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A Creative Challenge For You!

What a crazy week. I hope you and yours are staying well and making the best out of our social isolation days.

This week I have been doing a lot of reading about creativity and how it is a natural stress reliever. And if ever we needed stress reducers I would say now is the time.

Can I share quickly what I have learned and then issue you a creative challenge?

Creativity can look so many different ways. Do you love to paint, doodle or draw. Are you “maker”? Do you enjoy creating physical products like candles, wreaths, sewing, woodworking? Are you a knitter, crafter, chef or baker? Do words speak to you? Can you write, journal, produce lyrics or write music? Do you have poetic words floating around your brain. Can you color, connect the dots, visualize a puzzle? All of these creative outlets and so many more are our natural defenses to stress. So friend, if you’ve every wondered how to arrange pictures on your wall, try it! If you’ve thought about mixing up your bed linens, try it. Do you think about calligraphy and all the hand lettering products and wondered how they do it. Try it. Google is your friend, U- Tube can be a great teacher, and I’m assuming you have much more time on your hands. Go get those creative juices flowing.

So friends, I want to issue you a creative challenge. With spring arriving, can you shop your house and create a spring vignette for your home? It could be a table top arrangement for your kitchen table. You could create something for your coffee table.

Here are 5 design elements to help get your creative juices flowing.


  1. Do you have something TALL

  2. Do you have something ORGANIC/NATURAL

  3. Choose one color that will take center stage. Do you have it repeated?

  4. Do you have something textural- think metal, wood, pottery..

  5. Do you have contrasting shapes?

Friends, I would love to see what you create. Will you snap a picture and upload it to my Facebook business page?

Bye for Now

Stay Well Friends,



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